How to calculate 720P/1080P/2K/4K/8K?
Source:Shenzhen Kai Mo Rui Electronic Technology Co. LTD2020-08-22
720P, 1080P, etc., mean "the total number of lines of video pixels", for example, 720P means that the video has 720 lines of pixels, while 1080P means that the video has a total of 1080 lines of pixels. A camera with 1080P resolution usually has 1920*1080 pixels. .'P' itself means "progressive scan", which is the abbreviation of Progressive, as opposed to interlaced scan.
2K, 4K, etc., mean "the total number of columns of video pixels", such as 4K, means that the video has 4000 columns of pixels, specifically 3840*4096 columns. 4K resolution cameras usually have 3840*2160 or 4096*2160 pixels.
In the past, vertical resolution was used to describe resolution. Because 1080P represents the vertical resolution. The aspect ratio of almost all high-definition displays is 1.78: (that is, 16*9, also known as "widescreen"), which means that its horizontal resolution is 1920 pixels (that is, 1920*1080).
Therefore, 1080P does not equal "1K". Just as Ultra HD is equivalent to 4K, 1080P is equivalent to 2K. In other words, the resolution of 1920*1080 is very close to the 2K standard described by DCI. Even so, most people often don't call 1080P 2K, they call it 1080P or Full HD.
The number of pixels of 720P is about half of that of 1080P.

Technically speaking, "4K" means a horizontal resolution of 4096 pixels. This is the resolution proposed by the Digital Power Advocacy Alliance. Since the aspect ratio of the power supply is different, the exact shape of the rectangular screen determines the aspect ratio of the power supply, so its vertical resolution is not specified.
Therefore, strictly technically speaking, "4K" is not Ultra HD. The resolution of Ultra HD is 3840*2160. The pixel difference between the two is only 13%, and there is basically no significant difference. Most people prefer the name "4K" for Ultra HD. The truth of 8K is the same as 4K.
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